Bootstrap Themes

"Learning to produce music is a form of self-discovery.

It is empowering.

It builds one's ability to focus, to concentrate, and to think creatively (thinking outside the box).

It is an avenue into the unexpected, and into the myriad cultures of people and times past, present and future."

— Dr. Karen Reinhard

Our Studio

piano hall

The Music Studio of Dr. Karen Reinhard is located in the North Fresno/Clovis area, zip code 93720.

This large studio was designed by architect Gary A. Browns in the American Colonial Revival Style.

lounge area

It includes an adjacent lounge and restroom, and a hallway that can be used for additional seating space for chamber concerts.

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It houses two grand pianos. The 1977 KG-5C Kawai was built by the Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing Company which is headquartered in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan. The second grand piano is a rebuilt 1966 225 Bösendorfer. The Bösendorfer Company was founded in 1828 in Vienna, Austria. The Bösendorfer Company uses uncompromising traditional handcrafting and reflects the beauty of the Viennese soul: It was made in Austria.

About Dr. Karen Reinhard

Dr. Karen Reinhard recently moved to Fresno from Southern California where she taught, performed and conducted in the greater Los Angeles area for 35 years. She is a highly experienced teacher in voice and piano at all levels: from beginning to advanced. She enjoys teaching people of all ages, from age 4 to adulthood and beyond. She is an award winning composer: see website

  • Piano and Vocal studies with Dr. Karen Reinhard follow the Certificate of Merit Program (Music Teachers Association of California) which integrates ear training and sight reading, sight singing (solfege), music theory, technique, and repertoire of all genres and eras.
  • Weekly lessons are combined with monthly group classes in performance and ensemble skills.
  • As a member of MTAC Fresno, she can provide many performing opportunities through MTAC sponsored events.
Cost of piano and voice lessons:
30 minutes - $35.00
45 minutes - $52.50
60 minutes - $70.00

Most Recent Student Recital
Dec. 2023/Jan. 2024

Photos coming soon!

Voice and Piano Students of Dr. Karen Reinhard in Recital
March 7th, 2020

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Congratulations to the following students for their fall and spring achievements:

Southern California Junior Bach Festival

E. P. - Gold Medal - Southern California Junior Bach Festival Complete Works Concert
N. P. - Silver Medal - Southern California Junior Bach Festival Complete Works Audition

MTAC Branch Piano Theme Festival

E. S. - Participant - MTAC Branch Piano Theme Festival
K. Z. - Participant - MTAC Branch Piano Theme Festival
N. P. - Participant - MTAC Branch Piano Theme Festival

VOCE (vocalists, strings, winds/brass, and chamber music) 2020

E. P. - 2nd Place Senior Division, VOCE
E. L.-Z. - 3rd Place Intermediate Voice, Competitive VOCE
N. P. - Competitor Junior Division, VOCE

E.P. was awarded First Place, Alternative, in the senior Division of the January 2019 VOCE competition
G.W. was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Senior Division of the January 2019 VOCE competition

Participants in the FIRST EVER Voice Theme Festival - Master Class

E. P.
N. P.
E. L.-Z.

Certificate of Merit

Senior Medal, Level 10 Certificate of Merit (Advanced) Voice (E.P.)
Advanced Certificate of Merit Piano (N.P.)
Advanced Certificate of Merit Voice (N.P.)
Level 7 Certificate of Merit Piano, (N.R.)
Level 6 Certificate of Merit Piano, (K.Z.)
Level 5 Certificate of Merit Piano, State Honors (E.J.) (not pictured)
Level 5 Certificate of Merit Piano, State Honors (E.S.) (not pictured)
Level 5 Certificate of Merit Voice, State and Branch Honors (E. L.-Z.)
Level 4 Certificate of Merit Piano, (E.J.)
Level 2 Certificate of Merit Piano, State Honors (E.M.)
Preparatory Level Certificate of Merit Piano, State Honors (R.Z.)

Students studying voice and/or piano but opting out of C. of M.

A. A.
L. K.
G. W.

Most Recent Student MTAC
and SCJBF Awards

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N.P., piano and voice student of Dr. Reinhard, earns MTAC Advanced Level with State Honors in both piano and voice, 2021.

Spring, 2021,
Level 10 Certificate of Merit (Advanced) Piano, State Honors (N.P.)
Level 10 Certificate of Merit (Advanced) Voice, State Honors (N.P.)

Certificate of Merit Level 10 with State Honors, Spring 2020:


Alexander Scriabin

Etude, Opus 2, No. 1 in C# minor



Domenico Scarlatti

Sonata in f minor




Sonata No. 22, Opus 54, C Major, Last movement, Allegretto




Intermezzo in A Major, Opus 118, No. 2



John Ireland

The Island Spell

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E.P. performs in the Complete Works Audition Awards Concert as a CWA First Place Winner (Gold Medal) in voice
N.P. awarded Silver Medal in Voice, SCJBF (Southern California Junior Bach Festival)

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N.P. and E.P.

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Fall, 2019,
Medal Presentation for all Winners (Southern California Junior Bach Festival) (E.P.)

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Proud parents, Silver and Gold Medal Winners

Most recent Awards for Dr. Karen Reinhard

sunlight pianos
July 2nd, 2023:
MTAC Composers Today State Competition, First Place, Mature Work, Musical Setting of “The Flame Tree” by Evelyn Flores Please refer to to listen to her compositions.
sunlight pianos

Dr. Reinhard and Soprano Susan Montgomery (Kinsey)

Education, Continuing Education, Continuing Musical Activities, Affiliations

Continuing Vocal Studies with Susan Montgomery Kinsey, Chapman University
Continuing Compositional Studies with Dr Walter Saul, Fresno Pacific University, Professor Emeritus
Woodwinds Ensemble
Two Piano Duo

Northwestern University (student of Wolfgang Rűbsam, international recording artist and performer)
Northwestern University (student of Dr. Richard Enright and Grigg Fountain)
University of Arizona (student of Dr. Roy Johnson, Richard Faith and Edna Church)

Member, MTAC, Fresno Branch (Music Teachers Association of California)
Member, AGO, Fresno Branch (American Guild of Organists)
Member, Fresno Music Club



Dr. Karen Reinhard



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Studio Location

Fresno / Clovis

Northern California

We are located in North Fresno

The Music Studio of Dr. Karen Reinhard is located in the North Fresno/Clovis area, zip code 93720.

View in Google Maps